Creating a report has never been so simple!
Create and send automatically your complaint reports to Paris Ouest Assurances from GestiClean in very few steps…
All the details in this video:
Report sent by email to Paris Ouest Assurances, the final customer and the dry cleaner:
Feature implementation according to your profile, contact us for more information...
Not yet insured by Paris Ouest Assurances
Enjoy our grouped offers*:
- Paris Ouest Assurances insurance contract
30% discount for a new subscription
- GestiClean software
Customer discount: support contract free** during 2 months for any new contract subscription with Paris Ouest Assurances.
- GestiClean software
Customer discount: support contract free** during 2 months for any new contract subscription with Paris Ouest Assurances.
Not yet insured by Paris Ouest Assurances
Enjoy our grouped offers*:
- Paris Ouest Assurances insurance contract
30% discount for a new subscription
- GestiClean software
Customer discount: support contract free** during 2 months with 1-year commitment (or GestiClean update outside support contract €145).
- GestiClean software
Customer discount: support contract free** during 2 months with 1-year commitment (or GestiClean update outside support contract €145).
Not yet insured by Paris Ouest Assurances
Enjoy our grouped offers*:
- Paris Ouest Assurances insurance contract
30% discount for a new subscription
- GestiClean software
15% discount on a POS computer for the purchase of a GestiClean software with hardware
+ 2 months of support for GestiClean for free
- GestiClean software
15% discount on a POS computer for the purchase of a GestiClean software with hardware
+ 2 months of support for GestiClean for free
* Offers available until 30/09/2020
** Customer discount 2 months of support for free = available for one GestiClean license, during 2 months, upon presentation of a Paris oust Assurances insurance contract
*** Cannot be added to previous discounts from Paris Ouest Assurances
Contact our sales team for a quote
Inforum’s partnership with Paris Ouest Assurances