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Spotlight on GestiClean Up' in Entretien Textile magazine

January/February 2017 edition
January 31, 2017 by
Spotlight on GestiClean Up' in Entretien Textile magazine
INFORUM, Fabien Duval

In the news section of Entretien Textile magazine, January/February 2017 ediiton, page 17, you will find an article on your dry cleaning management software, GestiClean Up'.

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Article GestiClean Up' dans Entretien Textile Janvier-Février 2017

Dry-cleaning software

GestiClean Up': an economical software for dry-cleaning stores

Inforum, well-known for their GestiClean software, launches the EarlyAdopter program for GestiClean Up’, a simplified dry-cleaning management software with a basic offer of 55 euros (before VAT) a month. “Our goal, David Berardozzi (co-director of Inforum) explains, is to implement a user-friendly management tool. This competitive price allows the dry-cleaner’s to work with the essential features of the GestiClean Up’ software, from any device connected to the internet: computer, smartphone, tablet. It will be in compliance with the NF 525 certification, which will enter into force on January 1st, 2018. User-friendly and economical, this software will evolve according to the comments and needs of the users.”

Spotlight on GestiClean Up' in Entretien Textile magazine
INFORUM, Fabien Duval January 31, 2017