JEU CONCOURS Nov 25, 2022 Inforum's Blog Jeu concours ! A l'occasion de nos 30 ans, nous organisons un jeu concours pour vous remercier de votre fidélité et de votre confiance ! Comment participer ? Envoyez nous les éléments suivants : Des p... Lire la suite
Texcare Forum Lyon Nov 2, 2022 Inforum's Blog Inforum, sponsor de l'évènement Inforum a participé au forum Texcare qui s'est tenu à Lyon le 17 octobre 2022 . Une 4ème édition pour ce format régional après Nantes, Marseille et Bordeaux ! Sponsor d... Lire la suite
Clean & Collect - Boutique en ligne disponible ! Oct 19, 2022 DRY CLEANER LOCATOR EVOLUTION NIVEAU GRATUIT Clean & Collect offre tout d'abord un premier niveau de services gratuit : Création de compte pour apparaître sur la map Paramétrage et mise en ligne d'une page vitrine BOUTIQUE EN LIGN... Lire la suite
Version 1 Oct 17, 2022 DRY CLEANER LOCATOR EVOLUTION Version 1.0.0 15/10/2022 Après l'élaboration du cahier des charges initial, 1 an de travail, 14 Comités d'Orientation Stratégiques avec les membres de la coopération FFPB/CTTN/Inforum, des dizaines et... Lire la suite
Application Pressing Clean & Collect Oct 12, 2022 DRY CLEANER LOCATOR EVOLUTION Présentation Clean & Collect Clean & Collect est le fruit d’une coopération tripartite entre : - la FFPB : Fédération Française des Pressings et des Blanchisseries - le CTTN : ... Lire la suite
Dry cleaning: How to increase the average basket? Jul 19, 2021 Inforum's Blog > OPERATOR SIDE by Pascal Berardozzi - Inforum What additional activities are easy to set up in a dry cleaner’s? A dry cleaner is above all a shop with quality customer traffic. Here are some areas of... GestiClean Métier du pressing Partenariat Lire la suite
Inforum equips the Puy du Fou Jul 7, 2021 Inforum's Blog Voted best amusement park in the world, the Grand parc du Puy du Fou, located in Vendée, now uses Brooclean software to manage the cleaning of the costumes. Pascal Berardozzi visited the Puy du Fou si... BrooClean Partenariat Lire la suite
GestiClean - New: Import of Shoes Cleaner services Jun 8, 2021 Inforum's Blog Your two specialist suppliers Inforum and US Lab have worked together to allow you to import into GestiClean the services offered with the Shoes Cleaner product. It's new ! You can now import the list... GestiClean Partenariat Lire la suite
Dry-cleaning: How to manage litigation ? May 6, 2021 Inforum's Blog > OPERATOR SIDE by Pascal Berardozzi - Inforum Litigation is unfortunately an integral part of the dry cleaner life and it is impossible to pretend to escape it. Also, it is necessary to prepare for i... Lire la suite
GestiClean - New: the notion of useful offcuts Apr 29, 2021 Inforum's Blog Concept of "useful offcuts” Idea for not losing the paper waste due to the printing of marking tags... How? By offering the dry cleaner the possibility to add a text of his choice. In GestiClean, the ... GestiClean Métier du pressing Lire la suite
COVID-19 information note Oct 1, 2020 Inforum's Blog Inforum team remains active! What we do Thanks to teleworking and a new organization, we are able to continue our essential activities: technical support, sales, development ... However, this particul... Législation Lire la suite
Dry cleaning: what if we change the French name for dry cleaners? May 7, 2020 Inforum's Blog Summary I started in the profession in 1979 as a “ teinturier ” (dry cleaner) in a “ pressing ” or a “ teinturerie ” (dry cleaning shop). These names convey a dilapidated image that does not highlight... Métier du pressing Lire la suite